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    Google March 2025 Core Update Finished Rolling Out

    by rustybrick
    Today at 5:37 AM
    Google's March 20025 core update is now done rolling out, it took 14 days, starting on March 13, 2025 at around 12:23 pm ET and ending on March 27, 2025 at around XX ET. Google posted saying, "The rollout was complete as of March XX, 2025."

    Google Search About This Data Hyperlink

    by rustybrick
    Today at 4:51 AM
    Google is sometimes showing a hyperlink at the bottom of its search results named "About this data." This links to a Google help document in Merchant Center support named "How Google sources and uses information in the brand profile."

    Google Goes After Spam Practices vs Spam Content - Doc Change

    by rustybrick
    Today at 4:41 AM
    Google made a really small change to its spam policies documentation to say, "In the context of Google Search, spam refers to techniques used to deceive users or manipulate our Search systems into ranking content highly."

    Google Working Through Google Business Profiles Support Requests

    by rustybrick
    Today at 4:31 AM
    Google seems to be working through the Google Business Profile support, reinstatement, and suspension appeal requests. As we reported twice already, once back in mid-February and then again earlier this week, Google confirmed the delay.

    Google Event Search Results With Share, Add To Calendar, Similar Events, Venue & Nearby

    by rustybrick
    Today at 4:21 AM
    Google added a number of new features to the event rich results search feature within Google Search. Some of these might not be new, but now on these event results you can share the event, add it to your calendar, see similar events, get more details on the venue and find nearby food and drinks.

    Google Tests Blue Website Button For Knowledge Panels

    by rustybrick
    Today at 4:11 AM
    Google is testing replacing the low key website / URL button in the knowledge panels within Google Search, with a large blue button. I mean, this blue button makes it was more clickable, a much larger and more visible call to action, than the normal button you see in Knowledge Panels.

    Daily Search Forum Recap: March 26, 2025

    by rustybrick
    Yesterday at 7:00 AM
    Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today...

    Google March 2025 Core Update Volatility Heats Up At Tail End Of Update

    by rustybrick
    Yesterday at 4:55 AM
    As you know, the Google March 2025 core update was announced on March 13th and it should be just about done rolling out. We saw some volatility related to that core update a few days into the update, then a lot of confusion later on, and now at the tail end of the update, we are seeing more volatility.

    Google Ads Different Auctions Locations May Impact CTR & Impression Rates

    by rustybrick
    Yesterday at 4:51 AM
    Ginny Marvin, the Google Ads Liaison, said that you may see a shift in Top/Absolute Top Impression rate and/or a change in overall CTR as a result of the double serving Google Ads experiment. This is where Google can show the same ads in different ad locations because it has different auctions for each ad location.

    Google: Poor Pingdom Score Does Not Affect Your SEO

    by rustybrick
    Yesterday at 4:41 AM
    Google's John Mueller responded to a concern on Reddit about a site that scored a D with its Pingdom score. Pingdom measures sites uptime and overall page speed metrics. John Mueller responded to the concern saying, "this is not affecting your SEO."